Monday, July 27, 2009

Growing Facial Hair?

Is there any possible way to accelerate the growth of facial hair?

My older brother and father have alot of facial, and when they were my age they already had does this mean I won't have any?

Growing Facial Hair?

no it just means you are going to take a lil longer

Growing Facial Hair?

everyone is different. If your dad and bro both have facial hair then chances are you have the same genes and will "eventually" develop the same. Just wait you'll have some, and when you do you're gonna hate it.

Trust me.

Growing Facial Hair?

okay so, i heard my dad tell my cousin this- your facial hair will grow faster if you continue to shave it. when you shave your facial hair (including, like arm hair) it will grow back darker and thicker. so yeah. hope that helped

Growing Facial Hair?

Shave a lot. Shaving makes the hair grow back in thicker and fuller. Use a real razor, not an electric one too. But facial hair also means you have testosterone, so you really need to be in your prime to be able to get a real strong thick beard going, and it wont happen 'till after you get through puberty to see a real thick manly beard, not the little boys beard which is composed of 3 or 4 strands of hair you may see on some of your friends.

But for reals when I was younger i always wanted to shadowy grey muzzle beard that i thought looked soooo cool, then when i was about 19 or 20 i started getting it and all i wanted back was my baby face. I hate shaving...

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