Thursday, July 30, 2009

Facial hair pls help!?

i want to cover my facial hair with make up. how do i do this? what do i use? powder? if so, i choose a colour that best matches my skin colouyr right? whats transculent powder? is that better and wot should i lookm out for? waterproof etc?

Facial hair pls help!?

none of these options are brilliant, I would permanently remove the hairs with laser treatment in a clinic. It's pretty expensive but definitely worth it. My aunt had it done and her face is now totally smooth and lovely. Whatever you do, don't pluck or wax them, they'll come back thicker and you'll probably get ingrown hairs which will cause spots. If you have to use make-up, make sure it's a good one like Estee Lauder and that it matches your skintone.

Facial hair pls help!?

Just keep shaving it off, its easier

Facial hair pls help!?

make up wont cover it up you will still see the hair although it will be watever colour your make up is try waxing

Facial hair pls help!?

It would be better to bleach or remove it either with wax or a hair removal cream as heavy make up will stick to and enhance the appearance of hair.

Facial hair pls help!?

Don't put makeup over facial hair, remove the hair. There are some great facial hair remover creams if you are afraid of waxing. Or boots has a little shaver the size of a pen that would whip it right off. Alternatively, grow it long and plait it.

Facial hair pls help!?

Powder will be better

Facial hair pls help!?

Don't use powder it will enhance the hairs. I use a liquid one which drys very smoothly - cost a bit but worth it. I would go to boots and ask one of the girls to assist you. There is nothing worse than walking around with the wrong mask on - tide marks are terrible.

Good luck in your quest.

Facial hair pls help!?

Bleaching is the only way of making it less visible. You can buy it in a good chemist.

Use a face powder padded on lightly or a good foundation but please don't go over the top with it. It looks terrible when girls wear too much foundation because it dries in patches and looks cloggy and orange. If unsure, try some then ask someone you trust if it's too much. Boots no 7 'stay perfect' foundation is good, it lasts all day and goes a long way.

Facial hair pls help!?

Keep it and join the circus

Facial hair pls help!?

have u tried threading it might hurt at first but'll soon get use to it ....or maybe waxing

Facial hair pls help!?

i love hairy faces

Facial hair pls help!?

god u sound attractive.shave it off keep the bits knit yourself a roll neck sweater to cover most your face

Facial hair pls help!?

just do it ,beware not damaging your hair by using some by looking at the side effect of that makeup

Facial hair pls help!?

There is a product called Jolene that is cream bleach specially for your face, why not try that?.......make up will not cover hair, my love...gud luk

Facial hair pls help!?

Don't put make up over it! I think you can buy special facial hair bleach to lighten it, it should make it less noticeable

Facial hair pls help!?

The best thing to do is to bleach the hair! This will make it lighter and less noticable! then put your foundation on as normal.

Facial hair pls help!?

you can have facial hair bleached.. it would be less visible without having to get rid of them

Facial hair pls help!?

I have a better solution for your question.

I am in no doubt God created you in his own image.A make up to change your facial appearance would make you ugly than anyone has ever imagined. Your likeness to God will be ended , if you won't resemble an animal then you won't differ much with satan.

Nice time

Facial hair pls help!?

I think threading is the best answer. I live in the Middle East and Indians and Arabs use thread and 'snip" off the hair. Shaving is not good as it will grow back with deeper roots. And bleaching? I dunno.... and some of those hair removing chemicals can be very harsh and cause allergic reations.

There are fruit facials here in the Middle East that remove facial hair but I dont know what they are...unfortunately. There is something here called 'sheera" and it is a fruit and honey or sugar mixture, boiled until taffy like, spread on and pulled off. Many women do a full body with this process. Its completely natural and removes the hair deep down. I think it is the best way to remove hair.

Try and find a Middle Eastern or Indian woman, (if you live in a metropolian city) that knows these methods and maybe they can help you. As an American female, having waxed before...I find threading, sheera and the fruit masks better options.

Facial hair pls help!?

Want to keep hairy face?

Shave it off !

Facial hair pls help!?

Remove the facial hair

Facial hair pls help!?

get rid of it! wearing too much make up make you look awful!

Facial hair pls help!?

If you can afford it start getting electrolysis or waxing after a time this will pay off.

Facial hair pls help!?

hey .. i say ... facial wax is the best method ...coz ... i too was scared earlier o using it .. but that so convenient that u can do that on you own .. and i bet u will not have to rely on makeup for hiding your facial hair ... instead u can use make up for highlighting ur features ....concentration diverted to natural beauty ....natural makeup ... go ahead ...

Facial hair pls help!?

use waterproof loose powder.. or compact powder... with foundation underneath

Facial hair pls help!?

hi, i would not put make up and powder on as it will surely clump in the hair and draw more attention to it. You are right not to bleech. Waxing doesn't suit everyone, could result in spots or rash and may not be suitable for use on all areas of face. Perhaps you could try electrolysis, i think is expensive, but will be worth it as over the years you will probably spend a fortune on make-up trying to cover it could be better in long run. DO NOT SHAVE! Maybe it could be hormonal, i heard that that is common when a female has a hormone inbalance, see your GP for any advice. I really dont advise make up as a soloution, people will see it and will make it worse!

Facial hair pls help!?

um shave it so its not so masculin

Facial hair pls help!?

have you tryed hair removal by electrolocis major beauty places do this and most local collage offer this at extreemly cheep everybody has to learn from somewhere failing that get it waxed but youlle have to keep it up every 4-6 week if you keep getting it waxed over a period of time the hairs may not return or be very sparce

Facial hair pls help!?

You might want to consider trying a product called "Vaniqa" pronounced "van-ee-ca". It is a cream that can be prescribed by your doctor. It will not eliminate the hair but it slows it's growth considerably in women. You will still have to shave, it but not nearly as often.

Facial hair pls help!?

I have lazer treatment myself, you don't even have to go that often its great most the hair doesn't even grow back it kills the root.But if that's to expensive id wax.don't cover with make up.

Facial hair pls help!?

Just because you're the bearded lady, don't insult me OK

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