Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Ways to remove facial hair?

Hi, (this is a bit odd, so bear with me please).

I'm a gay guy and ever since my boyfriend asked me to be... I've become a bit "femme." I've had what I would call average facial hair for a guy, but I would like a face that's smooth like a girl's if possible. I have, of course, shaved for most of my life up until this point. I recently tried nair and it was good, but it left behind too much stubble for my tastes around my neck.

I would be very appreciative if there are any others out there who could suggest any feasible options. He is asking me for this, and I believe he completely deserves it. Also, I kind of find it nice, myself.

I would appreciate any suggestions that could give me a smooth, pretty face....

Thank you for your time.

P.S. I don't see this as the wrong place to post this, if it is, then I'm' sorry. However, it seemed relevant: if only under the tg section.

Ways to remove facial hair?

As long as your not just doing for your man (cos that'd be wrong, changing who you are only to please another.)

Sounds like you might wanna try getting some ELOS (electro optical synergy) treatments done hun, this will get rid of all those dark hairs that are giving you and your man so much trouble.

you'll need about 6 to 8 sessions to clear your face completely (yes it hurts,kind of a hot pinch for a second,but dont be a whimp, take the pain its worth it!)

the result is a beautiful face you wont have to shave......

so cool! :)

It costs a little bit but when you weight up the costs of all that other stuff you buy, and razors its actually cheaper in the long run.

I guess you could do a google search or something to find

a local practioner.shopping around is a good idea to (then you'll understand the cost better and find a really great practitioner......good luck sweetheart! :)

Ways to remove facial hair?

Get your face waxed

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