Thursday, July 30, 2009

My friend has female facial hair?

what can she do to reduce the amount of facial hair that she grows and what can she do to remove the facial hair that she has without causing hair bumps!

My friend has female facial hair?

There is a cream now the the dermatologist can prescribe, I think it's called Vaniqa, which reduces the amount of hair that grows. Or if the hair is dark she can get laser hair removal which is permanent. Unless they have made advances, only people with lighter toned skin and dark hairs can get that. But they might have figured out a way to make it work on darker skin, if that's an issue.

My friend has female facial hair?

She could wax and use cocoa butter. She will need to talk to a Doctor about that. Maybe he could give her a remedy to help her. My cousin had it to but because she was sick she could not do any thing.

My friend has female facial hair?

lazers...go to a dermatolagist ^.^ i mean your friend should go see a dr. for a permanent cure

hair remouval products are meant for legs...sometimes underarms NEVER bikini area never face

My friend has female facial hair?

shave it.

My friend has female facial hair?

she could wax, generaly over time if you continue to wax the hair goes away. she could shave with shaving creme....but that could cause more hair to grow. she could get laser hair removal done.

My friend has female facial hair?

This reminds me so much of me a few years ago. I suppose I inherited my dad's genes for facial and body hair, because I was really hairy! It was so embarrassing, especially the hair on my upper lip. I first used depilatories like Nair and Sally Hansen, and although it got rid of the hair, it irritated my skin. So I suggest getting it waxed either at a salon or with one of those do it yourself kits that you can buy at the store. Hope this works for her :)

My friend has female facial hair?

bleach it but you may wanna ask a proffesional what to do

My friend has female facial hair?

waxing is the cleanest, and least noticeable way to remove unwanted hair. you wouldn't believe how many woman come into my salon to get their entire face waxed. it's nothing to be embarrassed about. some women just grow more hair on the faces then other women. there is nothing you do to decrease the amount of hair growth, but waxing can cause to grow back in thinner. i take that back. seeing a specialist in hair removal can reduce hair growth. they go and destroy the papilla, or the spot where the hair actually grows out of, thus causing the hair to not grow back. tell your friend good luck!

My friend has female facial hair?

Go to a salon and have it waxed!! That is the best way.....I have paid anywear from $10.00 to $15.00 to get my eyebrows and lip waxed. If you just want the lip waxed it is usually anywhere from $7.00 to $10.00. Depends on the salon.

If you do go to one salon and it burns you and causes sores (I have been done this way before....Ouch!!) You can either go to another salon or go back to the first and tell them what happened last time and that the wax was too HOT! I've only had this to happen at one place...the next time I told them, they turned the wax off for a while and then waxed me and I was fine. If you don't want to go to a salon and want to do it at home I would use Salley Hanson's Depilatory Cream...Wal-Mart sells it. It is a cream that you put on your lip, chin, any facial area except around your no eyebrows with this stuff!! It can burn you also if you don't follow the directions and leave it on there too long. I usually, when I use this product, have to tweeze a little to get the hairs that didn't fully dissolve....ouch! Other than the tweezing it's virtually pain free.....the wax hurts too, but it works better and way longer.

My friend has female facial hair?

It's a hormonal thing.

If there's not too much of it, do you really need to do anything? Most guys are OK about women with, for example, a slight moustache.

If you do decide you have to do something, then there isn't a simple answer and there's a lot of misleading "information" around.

Facial (and also body) hair on women comes about in the same way as on men because of

1) your body being sensitized, before you were even born, to testosterone -- doesn't happen to all girls, but does to many

2) your body producing high levels of testosterone

The growth rate and coarseness of the hair depends on just how much testosterone is circulating in your bloodstream.

Steer clear of bleaching -- when someone sees you against the light you'll look as if you have a glowing moustache and/or beard.

As far as removing it is concerned it's worth remembering that

* Waxing, plucking, threading, epilating all pull the hair out by the roots and where the growth is hormonally-driven can actually stimulate a dormant follicle into producing more hair quicker. They also distort the root if done repeatedly, leading to hair growing at strange angles. And you've got to let the hair grow to quite a length before you can repeat the exercise. It can also damage the skin and discolor it. Long-term use of waxing also causes bad wrinkles.

* Chemical depilatories strong enough to remove the hair are very likely to burn the skin, cause swelling and cause long-term discoloration of the skin.

* Laser is also liable to cause burning and discoloration and in any case only works effectively on a dark hair/light skin combinantion.

* Electrolysis is very liable to cause scarring and discoloration of the skin.

Which, like it or not, leaves shaving which does not damage the skin. Best done with a men's-style electric razor, the best of which, for women, are probably those from the men's range of Norelco razors (Philishave outside the US). Most women who try a men's Norelco wonder why nobody ever told them about it before.

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