I have had my goatee for the last two years, and I have the urge to shave it off. The people around me tell me I look good either way. In general, do guys look better with facial hair and should I shave my goatee off.
Ladies, facial hair on guys?
I think you should shave it. In my opinion, you would look "cleaner" that way. Besides, you may never know when something's sticking to that thing. But it's your choice.
Ladies, facial hair on guys?
shave it off
Ladies, facial hair on guys?
go in between. make it really thin and neat. but not fem ( people have to start wondering neat). Good transition and go from there.
Ladies, facial hair on guys?
Most women prefer no facial hair on men.
Ladies, facial hair on guys?
I personally love men with goatee's and *gasp* even beards. Just make sure it is properly maintained and not overgrown.
Don't shave it!
Ladies, facial hair on guys?
a goatee? um...no..i'd shave it off if I were you...ladies like a little facial hair...like more of a clean or a 5 `o-clock shadow kind of look...but no goatee, no mustache, and no beard...they compliment so very few people.
Ladies, facial hair on guys?
Guys look amazing with facial hair, but it depends on how long it is. If its close to the chin, keep the goatee. If its long, get rid of it. Since hair grows back, switch it up. If you shave it off and it looks bad to you, grow it back. YOU have to feel comfy.
Ladies, facial hair on guys?
Shave it!
Guys look better WITHOUT facial hair.
Ladies, facial hair on guys?
if ur freinds are saying you look better with both then really its ur choice. personnally i like boys with facial hair and without!
but you said its been two years since you had it... dont you think you need a change? if i were u id shave it off. and if you think yoou look better without it keep it like that but of no.. hair grows back!
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