this has been bothering me for a very very long time, i do not know if women grow facial hair, if they do, do they shave it off?
i do know that if they shave there hairs it comes back more hairier.
Do women grow facial hair?
After a certain age, 40ish, they lose estrogen and start growing very unwanted facial hairs. Do Not shave it! Get waxed!!
Do women grow facial hair?
Yes they do wax it off read some waxing and other hair removal tips on this site
Do women grow facial hair?
some do grow peach fuzz and wax it or nair it off others grow peach fuzz like I was saying earlier but thicker....not too girly like but it happens
Do women grow facial hair?
thats a pretty funny question...
but some aoman do have stronger hormones that do make them grow facial hair. Its pretty gross if you ask me. Common now if we all shaved our so called Facial hair would we not be stubbly like you men...i think so.
Do women grow facial hair?
i'm here for the 2 points
as for the question....yes they do
Do women grow facial hair?
sure they do, in fact that is one rule that i have if a woman has more hair on her face than i do she is out the window or door or which is ever the closest. Greek's, Jew's, middle eastern females have a lot more hair than most men in America. if u do not believe me looking %26amp; watching u will see!!!!!!!!
Do women grow facial hair?
you can wax it anytime,It's better if you check with a doctor first(ENDOCRINOLOGIST)you might have a hormone disfunction.
Do women grow facial hair?
yes women do grow facial hair you can see it more in dark haired women and they do wax it off or they use hair cream
Do women grow facial hair?
Yes they do after a certain age......Very common for all women
Do women grow facial hair?
yes everyone has hair all over their body...the only place we don't have hair is on the palm of our hands and the bottom of our feet...women's hair just grows in lighter than men's hair...i think its the testosterone in them that makes it grow in thicker...but ya i wax my eye brows and my upper lip sometimes...
Do women grow facial hair?
women do grow facial hair.
the best solution is to bleach them to match your skin tone.
otherwise you can do threading or waxing but don't ever shave them because when they grow back it won't look good
Do women grow facial hair?
Yeahh but use hair removal creme for facial hair or sumthin
Do women grow facial hair?
i just bleach my facial hair it looks great better than my skin
Do women grow facial hair?
yes they do shave it, pluck it, but the best way is to electrolosis and get rid of it permenently.
Do women grow facial hair?
if they take steroids...yeah they grow facial hair...and if she isnt taking steroids and still has facial hair...somethings wrong!!!
Do women grow facial hair?
I used to work with a woman that by 12 had a twelve o'clock shadow. seriously. it was pretty bad. I guess if a woman has a lot of testostrone in her she could grow facial hair. also germans grow a lot of facial hair. my half sis is half german and she has a lot of facial hair. Lucky for her it is blonde!
Do women grow facial hair?
It doesn't come back "more hairier" as you so eloquently put it. The hair is just cut at a different angle so it's more blunt.
Yes women get facial hair. Shaving is not recommended. Facial bleach is recommended.
Do women grow facial hair?
yes they do
Do women grow facial hair?
yes, women do. And...if she is a smart woman, she will hot wax it off.
Do women grow facial hair?
wax it, it will come back lighter
Do women grow facial hair?
Some women do shave their facial hairs and some do not - I know of two women off the top of my head that really need a shave!@
Do women grow facial hair?
yes they do and nair has certain cream for that kind of stuff.
Do women grow facial hair?
yea and wax works or nair
Do women grow facial hair?
no but we get peach fuzz
Do women grow facial hair?
Yes we usually get it waxed or shave whenever it grows back
Do women grow facial hair?
Yes,we do. For most women it is fine peach fuzz,but some women have coarser, darker hair which they will then bleach, wax or shave.
It is a myth that shaving makes hair thicker, darker or coarser,as many an adolescent boy has found out. This idea arose from the fact that often when a young woman begins shaving her legs, it is at a time when that hair is thickening due to puberty and so the two occurrences appear to be related.
Do women grow facial hair?
Unfortunately, yes we do. My medication makes mine grow even worse. I tried waxing once and got rashes so now I shave it - not with a regular bic razor those are awful - use an electric razor. Peach fuzz be gone!
Do women grow facial hair?
yes women do grow facial hair but its very fine and almost invisable.the difference in mens and womens facial hair is the amount of testerones or estrogens,men have much more testosterones in their system and women have more estrogens.if a man wanted less hair he could start by taking the estrogen hormone and visa versa for women--want more face hair?take testerone shots
Do women grow facial hair?
Look into laser hair removal at a salon or something. It's permanent
Do women grow facial hair?
yes some women grow facial hair. some may shave which is a bad thing because it grows back thicker and faster. although some wax it off it can be painful but the hair doesnt grow back that fast nor does it grow thick. it actually grows back thin.
Do women grow facial hair?
yes if you do shave your facial hair with will come back thicker and darker...... if you want to remove it without all the fuss go to a professional.
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