I would like to donate my facial hair for cancer victims, but I am not sure if anyone accepts facial hair because of the coarse texture. Any help with this will be very much appreciated.
Can men donate facial hair for cancer victims?
Not only can you, but you should. It is the only ethical thing to do. Best question I read all day.
Can men donate facial hair for cancer victims?
Not sure what you mean. If you are referring to donating facial hair in order to make a wig for cancer patients than you probably won't find one. The reason is because the hair must be over a certain length (ten inches) in order to be used. Hair that is shaved off or not in a braid or pony tail is not usable.
However, if you are referring to a charitable event that uses facial hair for fundraising purposes than you can read more about it in the following article:
Growing Facial Hair for Charity
Movember is a moustache growing charity that originated in New Zealand and was established to support Prostate Cancer and mens health related issues. You can find out more about Movember and how to participate no matter where you live at their website:
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